If all assets have been transferred to the trust, you will be able to step in as trustee and manage the grantor’s financial affairs quickly and easily, with no court interference.
First, make sure the grantor is receiving quality care in a supportive environment. Give copies of health care documents (healthcare directive/power of attorney for healthcare) to the physician. If someone has been appointed to make health care decisions, make sure he or she has been notified. Offer to help notify the grantor’s employer, friends and relatives.
Next, find and review the trust document. (Hopefully, you already know where it is.) Notify any co-trustees as soon as possible. Also, notify the company who prepared the trust document; they can be very helpful if you have questions. You may want to meet with an attorney to review the trust and your responsibilities.
You will want to become familiar with the grantor’s insurance (medical and long term care, if any) and understand the benefits and limitations. Assuming the insurance will cover a certain procedure or facility could be a costly mistake. Have the doctor(s) document the incapacity as required in the trust document. Banks and others may ask to see this and a certificate of trust before they let you transact business.
Become familiar with the finances. You need to know what the assets are, where they are located and their current values. You also need to know where the income comes from, how much it is and when it is paid, as well as regular ongoing expenses. You may need to put together a budget.
If you cannot readily find this information, others (family members, banker, employer, and/or accountant) may be able to help you. Last year’s tax returns may be helpful.
Apply for disability benefits through the grantor’s employer, social security, private insurance and veteran’s services. Notify the bank and other professionals that you are now the trustee for this person. Put together a team of professionals (legal service or attorney, accountant, banker, insurance and financial advisors) to help you. Be sure to consult with them before you sell any assets.
Now you can start to transact any necessary business. You can receive and deposit funds, pay bills and, in general, use the person’s assets to take care of him or her and any dependents until recovery or death. You’ll need to keep careful records of medical expenses and file claims promptly. Keep a ledger of income received and bills paid. An accountant can show you how to set up these records properly. The trust may require you to send an accounting to the beneficiaries. Also, don’t forget income taxes (due April 15) and property taxes.